Seeadler (Haliaeetus albicilla)
Nadjafzadeh M., Hofer H. & Krone O. (2016): Sit-and-wait for large prey: foraging strategy and prey choice of White-tailed Eagles. Journal of Ornithology 157: 165-178.
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Bulut Z., Bragin E. A., DeWoody J. A., Braham M. A., Katzner E. T. & Doyle J. M. (2016): Use of noninvasive genetics to assess nest and space use by White-Tailed Eagles. Journal of Raptor Research 50: 351-362.
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Sándor A. D., Alexe V., Marinov M., Doroşencu A., Domşa C. & Kiss B. J. (2015): Nest-site selection, breeding success, and diet of white-tailed eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) in the Danube Delta, Romania. Turkish Journal of Zoology 39: 300-307.
Todorov E., Daskalova G. & Shurulinkov P. (2015): Current Breeding Distribution and Conservation of White-tailed Eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla (L.) in Bulgaria. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 67: 3-10.
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Dahl E. L., May R., Hoel P. L., Bevanger K., Pedersen H. C., Røskaft E. & Stokke B. G. (2013): White-Tailed Eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) at the Smøla Wind-Power Plant, Central Norway, Lack Behavioral Flight Responses to Wind Turbines. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37: 66-74.
Krone O., Nadjafzadeh M. & Berger A. (2013): White-tailed Sea Eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) defend small home ranges in north-east Germany throughout the year. Journal of Ornithology 154: 827-835.
May R., Nygård T., Dahl E. L. & Bevanger K. (2013): Habitat Utilization in White-Tailed Eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) and the Displacement Impact of the Smøla Wind-Power Plant. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37: 75-83.
Korsman J. C., Schipper A. M., Lenders H. J. R., Foppen R. P. B. & Hendriks A. J. (2012): Modelling the impact of toxic and disturbance stress on white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) populations. Ecotoxicology 21: 27-36.
Dahl E. L., Bevanger K., Nygard T., Roskaft E. & Stokke B.G. (2012): Reduced breeding success in white-tailed eagles at Smøla windfarm, western Norway, is caused by mortality and displacement. Biological Conservation 145: 79-85.
Spasov S., Arkumarev V., Dobrev D. & Dobrev V. (2012): An overview of monitoring for raptors in Bulgaria. Acrocephalus 33: 181-189.
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Sulawa J., Robert A., Köppen U., Hauff P. & Krone O. (2010): Recovery dynamics and viability of the white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) in Germany. Biodiversity Conservation 19: 97-112.
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Evans R. J., Wilson J. D., Amar A., Douse A., MacLennan A., Ratcliffe N.& Whitfield D. P. (2009): Growth and demography of a re-introduced population of White-tailed Eagles Haliaeetus albicilla. Ibis 151: 244-254.
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